186th General Chapter Opens in Rome

The 186th General Chapter of the Augustinian Order opened on September 1st, 2019 in Rome. The General Chapter is at the center of our Augustinian way of life and is the highest decision making body of the Order.
Fr. Gary Sanders, OSA is attending the General Chapter as Prior Provincial of our province. Deacon Barnaby Johns, OSA is attending as our province delegate, as voted on in January at the First Session of our Provincial Chapter. Further, as a deacon, Br. Barnaby was able to assist at the opening Mass with Prior General Alejandro Moral Anton.
The General Chapter takes up many issues during the three weeks in which it will be in session. Among them are the election of the Prior General and his Curia, the establishment or suppression of circumscriptions, and many other topics concerning Augustinian religious life.
Please join the friars in prayer for the success of the Chapter as it is in session.