Friars Minister at LA Congress
Three of our friars went to the Youth Day at the LA Congress today. Each of them represented a different province ministry.
Br. Barney, campus minister at Villanova Preperatory School in Ojai, CA helped to chapereone the freshmen class to youth day. Fr. Max brought along the Junior class from St. Augustine High School in San Diego. While Fr. Mark came with the Our Mother of Good Counsel Youth Group from Los Angeles.
The day celebrates and builds up high school aged youth in the region, with many youth groups, confirmation classes, and schools participating. So many people participate that the crowd is seperated onto two "tracks" and so the Archbishop celebrated Mass for each group through two colorful Masses led by a youth choir.
The day reflects many of the diverse opporutinities for ministry as an Augustinian friar, but also allowed the friars to celebrate being together while coming from very different ministerial contexts.