Ordination Celebration!

The province on June 23rd, 2018 celebrated the ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Philip Yang, OSA, and the ordination to the diaconate of Rev. Br. Maxime Villeneuve, OSA by Most. Reverend Bishop Daniel Turley, OSA of Chulucanas, Peru.
Click HERE to see the pictures of the ordination!
The ordination was held at Our Mother of Good Counsel Parish, Los Angeles, which also provided a wonderful luncheon reception after the celebration.
Principal concelebrants were Very Rev. Kevin Mullins, OSA, Fr. Gary Sanders, OSA as formation director of the province, and Fr. Jim Mott, pastor of the parish. Many of the priests of the province concelebrated, as well as diocesan and religious priest friends of Fr. Philip.
The music team was led by Michele Ryan, one of the parish's very talented musicians. Recently ordained Fr. Bryan Kerns, OSA of the Villanova Province served as the Master of Ceremonies, and friars in formation assisted at the altar.
To Fr. Philip and Deacon Max, ad multos annos!