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Dcn. Phil Begins Priesthood Retreat

Dcn. Phil and the Sisters hosting him for his retreat

Deacon Philip Yang, O.S.A., began his five day canonical retreat in preparation for his ordination to the presbyterate in June. Canon law stipulates the prior to any ordination, a candidate must make a retreat. He sends this message:

"I am on my retreat this week in discernment for the ordination to the priesthood.

My stay here at Our Lady of Perpetual Help is very pleasant as the sisters are providing meals for me here. They gave me the large room where priests usually stay at when visiting to give lectures for the sisters.

I am grateful to Fr. Bob Gavotto for loaning me a book called "The True Priest" by Cardinal Pellegrino. Also my thanks goes to Fr. Carlos Medina for suggesting to read "the Lost World of Genesis." I will be reflecting on these two books for the week.

Your prayers during this time are much appreciated as I am already grateful for your love and support of my vocation to the Order of Saint Augustine. "

The California Augustinian asks the readers of this blog to please pray for Deacon Phil during his retreat and in the weeks leading up to his ordination.

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