St. Augustine Friary Christmas Photo

Now an annual Thanksgiving Weekend tradition, the St. Augustine Friary Community in Chicago gathered for its' annual Christmas photograph. The Friary is the community in which student friars of the Province of St. Augustine in California study graduate level theology.
Picture- (top- left to right) Br. Robert Carroll, OSA; Br. Maxime Villeneuve, OSA; Br. Joseph Roccasalva, OSA; (second row) Br. William Gabriel, OSA; Br. Jeffrey Raths, OSA; Br. Samuel Joutras, OSA; Br. Jeremy Hiers, OSA; Br. Daniel Madden, OSA: Br. Atsushi Kuwahara, OSA; (bottom 5) Br. Adnan Ghani, OSA; Br. Bryan Kerns, OSA; Fr. James Thompson, OSA; Br. Thomas Taylor, OSA; Fr. Joseph Mostardi, OSA; and Br. Elizandro Contreras, OSA.