Jan 29, 2020Ministry on the BorderA new video directed by Br. Dominic Smith, OSA on the ministry of Br. Robert Baiocco, OSA. The film features Br. Bobby's work with Border...
Oct 28, 2019Fall Vocation Discernment Weekend Held in San DiegoThe Augustinians hold two vocation discernment retreats per year for men interested in learning more about our way of life. This past...
Oct 10, 2018New Video: Leadership in the Augustinian TraditionWhat is a Prior Provincial? What is a Curia? How do Augustinians select their leaders? Look into role of leadership in the Augustinian...
Aug 7, 2018See the photos of Br. Manny's First Vows!A First Profession of Vows Mass was celebrated at the Augustinian parish of St. Jude's in New Lennox, IL as Br. Emmanuel Isaac, OSA...
Jun 30, 2018Fr. Mark Named New Associate Director of VocationsIn order to better respond to discerners making inquiries to our Province, Fr. Kevin Mullins, OSA appointed Fr. Mark Menegatti, OSA as...
Jun 24, 2018Br. Max Makes His Solemn Profession of VowsOn the evening of Monday, June 18th, 2018 in the St. Thomas of Villanova School Chapel in Ojai, CA, Br. Maxime Villeneuve, OSA made his...
Jun 5, 2018Brothers Renew Their VowsFriars in formation with our province renewed their vows during a Vespers service on Monday, June 4th at the St. Augustine Monastery...
Feb 26, 2018Retreatants Attend Spring Vocation Discernment WeekendArriving on the evening of Friday, February 23rd, to the St. Augustine Monastery in San Diego, five retreatants discerned whether God was...
Feb 2, 2018Church Marks World Day of Consecrated LifeFrom the Holy Father's homily today in St. Peter's Basilica: "Hence, it is all the more important for consecrated men and women to be one...
Dec 13, 2017Br. Adnan Says Good Bye to CTU and Chicago FriaryWith the completion of the Fall 2017 semester at Catholic Theological Union, Br. Adnan Ghani, OSA finished his studies and will be moving...