Jul 7, 2018Fr. Philip's Mass of Thanksgiving Photos!Newly ordained Fr. Philip Yang, O.S.A. celebrated his Mass of Thanksgiving at the parish of his youth: St. Thomas Korean Catholic Center....
Jul 5, 2018Augustinians on Parade for the 4th!At the invitation of the Knights of Columbus, three Augustinians took part in the 4th of July festivities on Coronado Island this year....
Jun 30, 2018Fr. Mark Named New Associate Director of VocationsIn order to better respond to discerners making inquiries to our Province, Fr. Kevin Mullins, OSA appointed Fr. Mark Menegatti, OSA as...
Jun 26, 2018Ordination Celebration!The province on June 23rd, 2018 celebrated the ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Philip Yang, OSA, and the ordination to the diaconate...
Jun 24, 2018Province Mourns Death of Fr. William Ryan, OSAWhile the Province of St. Augustine in California was gathered for an annual retreat in Ojai, Fr. William Ryan, OSA passed away on the...
Jun 24, 2018Br. Max Makes His Solemn Profession of VowsOn the evening of Monday, June 18th, 2018 in the St. Thomas of Villanova School Chapel in Ojai, CA, Br. Maxime Villeneuve, OSA made his...
Jun 12, 2018Reflection: Pictures of GodA six year-old girl in art class sat quietly drawing. Her teacher looked on with curiosity. She bent over and asked, “What are you...
Jun 5, 2018Brothers Renew Their VowsFriars in formation with our province renewed their vows during a Vespers service on Monday, June 4th at the St. Augustine Monastery...
May 25, 2018Brs. Barney and Max Celebrate GraduationsThe end of the month of May brings with it graduations across the country. This is also true for our Augustinian friars who engage in...
May 22, 2018Fr. John Grace Honored as 'Priest of the Year'!Recently, the Knights of Columbus of California honored Fr. John Grace, OSA, as "Priest of the Year" at their annual convention. Asked...