Sep 9, 2019Habemus Priore Generale!As part of the 186th General Chapter of the Augustinian Order, voting took place earlier today for the office of the Prior General of the...
Jan 10, 2019New Province Council is Elected and Installed in OfficeOne of the most important tasks of the first session of a provincial Chapter is to elect a new province council; with councilors and...
Jan 10, 2019Brothers Gather for First Session of ChapterThe First Session of the 2019 Provincial Chapter was held from January 7th-9th, 2019 at St. Augustine High School in San Diego. The...
Dec 24, 2018Season's Greetings! Merry Christmas from the AugustiniansThe video above shares some of the memories of 2018 from around the country. May God bless you abudantly during this Christmas season!
Nov 26, 2018Fr. Gary Sanders Elected Prior ProvincialAfter a counting of ballots from the province membership on the night of November 13th, 2018 Fr. Gary Sanders, OSA was found to have been...
Jul 7, 2018Fr. Philip's Mass of Thanksgiving Photos!Newly ordained Fr. Philip Yang, O.S.A. celebrated his Mass of Thanksgiving at the parish of his youth: St. Thomas Korean Catholic Center....
Jun 26, 2018Ordination Celebration!The province on June 23rd, 2018 celebrated the ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Philip Yang, OSA, and the ordination to the diaconate...
Apr 3, 2018Alleluia! He is Risen!Some scenes from around the Province and the Order of St. Augustine celebrating the Lord's triumph over death! Alleluia!
Feb 8, 2018Wake of Papal Visit Elicits Awe and ReflectionThe Holy Father Pope Francis recently visited Chile and Peru on an apostolic visitation in January of 2018. The Augustinian communities...