Jan 29, 2020Ministry on the BorderA new video directed by Br. Dominic Smith, OSA on the ministry of Br. Robert Baiocco, OSA. The film features Br. Bobby's work with Border...
Oct 10, 2019St. Augustine and Villanova Prep Schools Participate in International SAVI ConferenceThe 11th Annual SAVI (Student Augustinian Values Institute) Gathering of Augustinian schools convened in Cascia Hall in Tulsa, Oklahoma....
Sep 19, 2019Affiliate Joe Silvestri Celebrates 90 YearsSome lay partners of the Augustinians are affiliated to the Order as a result of the recognition of their devotion and service to and on...
Feb 9, 2019Br. Adnan Helps With Homeless Population CountBr. Adnan Ghani, OSA recently assisted with the annual counting of the homeless population in San Diego. During the count, which assists...
Feb 7, 2019Province Schools Go on Pilgrimage to WYD and AYEThis past January the two Augustinian high schools of the Province, St. Augustine High School and Villanova Preparatory School, went on...
Dec 9, 2018Augustinian Online Advent RetreatJoin Fr. Gianni Notarriani, OSA, Fr. Kevin DePrinzio, OSA, and Fr. Paul Graham, OSA and others from around the globe for an Augustinian...
Nov 16, 2018Students Pitch in to Help OrphanageHogar Infantil La Gloria is the sponsored ministry of the Province of St. Augustine in California, this means that each of our parishes...
Oct 11, 2018Not All Heroes Wear CapesFr. Jim Retzner, OSA, was joined by a cast of super heroes making the rounds at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, afterall he said,"Who...
Oct 10, 2018New Video: Leadership in the Augustinian TraditionWhat is a Prior Provincial? What is a Curia? How do Augustinians select their leaders? Look into role of leadership in the Augustinian...
Sep 17, 2018Br. Arturo Called into Permanent Diaconate ProgramOn September 8, 2018, Br. Arturo Renteria was officially accepted as a candidate into the permanent diaconate program of the Diocese of...