Nov 28, 2017Fr. Mark Boosts Province at Vocation FairsThroughout the fall of 2017, Fr. Mark Menegatti, OSA has promoted the Province at three vocation fairs in the Southern California region....
Nov 28, 2017Br. Dominic Leads Family on Baptismal JourneyThe Augustinian life is full of surprises and moments of great joy. Recently, Br. Dominic Smith, OSA was able to share in this joy with...
Nov 24, 2017Augustinian Friars in Formation Run 3rd Annual Turkey TrotOn the morning of Thanksgiving Day, the student friars of the St. Augustine Friary Community of Chicago ran their 3rd Annual Turkey Trot....
Nov 15, 2017The St. Augustine Foundation Awards 2017 GrantsIn his weekly province communication, Fr. Kevin Mullins, OSA announced the grants awarded in the 2017 cycle by The St. Augustine...
Nov 5, 2017USCCB Marks National Vocation Awareness WeekFrom the USCCB: "The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocations Awareness Week, November 5-11, 2017. This...
Nov 2, 2017FANA Formation Commission Meets in ChicagoOn October 31st, 2017 the FANA (Federation of Augustinians in North America) Formation Commission had its' annual meeting in Chicago, IL....